Sharing Keys

People are strange.  Writers are even stranger.

I think most people go through life fully aware of the people, things, and events that surround them. They appreciate these things to various degrees and interact with them depending on their interest level and necessity. It is a wonderful way to live.

Writers are a bit different. All of the above still applies, but we are also plagued with questions of no particular importance, other than the fact that in order for life to move on, we must ponder them, and in rare cases even have a question or two answered.

For example, in a backyard near my house, there is a line of pine trees that runs along the fence. The trees are tall and straight and the branches are strong. The pine cones are plentiful and the needles are a deep green. On the other side of the fence, maybe five feet away, is a lone pine tree, much different from its neighbors. It has branches that bend like angry fingers on a human hand, and they only extend from three sides of the trunk. The pine cones are scarce and the pale needles grow solely from the tiny, crooked twigs growing upward. The empty twigs that dangle below, arch in a way that appears they are trying to dig themselves back into the ground.

I look at these trees every day, and questions swirl through my head. Forty-two questions to be exact (I write them down), but I will share a few here so that you know what I mean.

How did these trees, seemingly the same, come to be on this plot of land? Were the trees on one side all seeded from the same tree and the crooked one from another? Did the fence play a part, maybe cause a break in the wind as the seeds were being dispersed? They share the same soil…was the lone seed harmed, or perhaps damaged during growth? How can they be different when they share the same soil?

I am sure you see where this is going, and it all seems a bit ridiculous, but this is when a writer’s mind gets even stranger.

The trees, to me, are like siblings, all growing together – same soil, same sun, same weather. The fence is even at a low point in the yard, so if one gets watered, they all do. So how are they so different? Much like children from the same parents, growing in the same house, are different. Not for better or worse, just extremely different. It isn’t necessarily the trees that matter, it is the mystery of the way things grow. There is a key to the mystery that is out there, and a writer can’t help but try and find it.

That one is a mystery I don’t imagine solving, but now that I have shared it, maybe you will notice a tree or plant that is next to another that is completely different, or twins who are polar opposites, and know that while the average person will walk right by, you know there is a story there.
There are many mysteries out there, and even more keys, that are waiting for someone to share them so they might find a match. I have been lucky, in that recently a few keys have popped up for me. I will share them with you so that you can see how a key can turn into a story.

My family loves museums of all sorts and a particular museum in my city offers activities for children, one weekend each month. One stormy Saturday, we had to circle the parking lot many times before finding a space, and in that time, my youngest daughter had spied a rainbow. During my quest for a parking space, she found and lost the rainbow several times. When we got out of the car, she pointed to the sky and said, “Look, Mom, there’s a rainbow on the loose!” It was fabulous. It was a key.

I immediately started thinking about colors and then went on to think about the emotions that are usually attached to them. Blue=sad. Green=jealous. Yellow=happy. Blue and green are my favorite colors and it always angers me that they are paired with negative feelings. I never feel bad when I think of them. This key for me of a rainbow on the loose gave me an idea for a picture book (that did, indeed, turn into one) where every color had a positive and negative emotion attached. I finally feel that colors are free to let people attach their own feelings to them.

This next key actually turned into two stories for me. While delivering girl scout cookies after an ice storm (you don’t even want to know) our wagon started skidding down a hill. We were able to save it close to the bottom, and my daughter started laughing. “We almost had a runaway wagon! Hey, can you make that a story?” We spent the rest of the afternoon telling silly stories about a runaway wagon, only we tried to make it the opposite of what you would expect. Instead of it crashing, we made it help people all over town and eventually save the day. It turned into a picture book, also.

The experience of making everything the opposite got me thinking about a story I wanted to write about my dad. He did not have a good childhood. I say that like one might say, “The desert does not have water.” He spent his entire life remembering everything about it. When I wrote The Runaway Wagon and focused all my efforts toward opposites, I decided to tell the story of my dad in opposites. I gave him amnesia, and the first scene is of him escaping from his uncle’s house. He is convinced he has a wonderful life and that he must use the clues he has in his backpack, which is his only possession, to find his way home. It is a suspenseful novel that has twisted around everything I know about my dad’s life and will have the reader guessing until the very end.

Without the key of a rainbow on the loose, a runaway wagon, and a new affinity for opposites, these stories would not have happened. I could have kept it simple, and walked away, but the keys were right in front of me. I hope the twisted pine tree finds a key, but I don’t worry about it – I am always on the lookout.

I know you see keys, and they probably look strange when you notice them, but consider writing them down. Put them on post it notes and paper your room. Paper your classroom and encourage others to do the same. The more you share, the more you have a chance of turning a key into a story. I will try to share some of my ideas with you in my posts, but I would love for you to comment and tell some of your ideas that you think might be someone’s key.

Happy Writing!


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Two Roads Converged in a Wood…


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
By: Robert Frost Excerpt from: The Road Not Taken

Books are addictive.  I don’t mean the books you pick up because the cover looks interesting and maybe reminds you of some movie you saw or some kid you know.  I mean the kind where something in the title gets you wondering how in the world that story will pan out, or you feel a connection to the cover art that you can’t fully explain and before you realize it, you’re reading the jacket flap.

The next thing you know, you’re at the end of chapter one (still standing in the book store), and you know you have to have that book.  And not because it reminds you of someone, but because you feel like you could be in that book.  So you go home, reading it all the way there, and you still can’t put it down, until you hear someone is calling you.  You look at the clock and it reads 12:00am.  The voice turns out to be your mom, peeking in your room and whispering, “Are you still reading?  It’s the middle of the night!”

And the weirdest thing about it isn’t that you got completely lost in a book, it’s that you actually got so absorbed that you have to re-acclimate to the real world.  I remember looking up from one of the Harry Potter books in the wee hours of the morning and thinking, “Wow, this room looks vaguely familiar.”  Rowling did such a good job building Harry’s world that I truly felt a part of it.  The same was true when I finished the book Mockingbird and I missed Caitlin.  She seemed so real, it was hard to believe she wasn’t somewhere out there, living her life and still trying to make a friend.

Anyway, when the book is over (the very next day), it feels unnatural.  You want to pick it up and read what’s next, but there is no next.  There is rereading, but that can only offer so much.  So you start again.  Book store, library, book shelves in your classroom.  Hoping you’ll find another good fit, knowing it could never compare.

That’s when it happens.  You take a glance in the back of the classroom and the new kid is reading your book, and you figure by the chunk of pages, he must be around the part where the boy figures out that traveling back in time is the only option.  It is your favorite part.

You walk up to him and, unsure what to say to the boy who doesn’t talk, manage to mumble, “Hey.  I just finished that book.”

The kid looks up, like he’s trying to figure out what really made you come over.  “Oh,” he says.  “The sequel came out yesterday so I’m trying to finish this one today.”

You cannot contain your excitement.  “Sequel?!  Are you serious?”  You sit down across from him to see what he knows…and there it is.  You find yourself on the same path as someone else and the book comes alive again.  Not just because of the sequel, but because now you can relive any part of the book through the thoughts of someone else and it takes on a life of its own.

The way that books affect each of us is as unique as we are, and when we share these stories with others who have read them too, they become a strange connection.

A young kid can call out, “Let the wild rumpus start!” and most children will know exactly where it came from (and what to do!).  The same is probably true for the following-

“And the tree was happy.”
“I do not like them, Sam I Am.”
“Cheese touch!”
“Then everything was still. Absolutely still.”
“For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
“Trust me. I’m a genius.”
“Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.”
“But you were some weird hybrid, man-goat THING, woah!”
“Have you hungered well today?”

When you read a book, you get to live through an experience you otherwise might not have known. When you meet others who’ve read the same book, you share that experience, even if the rest of your lives are completely separate.

I love the poem by Robert Frost, and I often think about the roads people travel in their lives, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. The last three lines of The Road Not Taken are perhaps some of the most famous lines ever written, and I can’t help but wonder- what if he was walking the other way along that path? What if the two roads were coming together into a common road that could be shared? What if that common road was a story that connected people from different places all over the world? What stories would those be? I would love to hear about books you’ve read that you think are roads worth traveling!

“Two roads converged in a wood, and I
I read the one you’d traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

If you want to comment on this page, you don’t have to leave any personal information. If you are a kid, I would love to know your first name in the “name” line followed by your age (just so I know who I am talking to), but no other identifying information!! Your first name will also help me address you if I have a response.

Happy reading!


Book Quotes in the order they appear:
Where the Wild Things Are By: Maurice Sendak
The Giving Tree By: Shel Silverstein
Green Eggs and Ham By: Dr. Suess
Diary of a Wimpy Kid By: Jeff Kinney
Magic Tree House By: Mary Pope Osborne
Winnie the Pooh By: A.A. Milne
Artemis Fowl By: Eoin Colfer
Harry Potter By: J.K. Rowling
Percy Jackson By: Rick Riordan
A Single Shard By: Linda Sue Park

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Get Ready to Write!

I am so excited to start talking with readers and writers! I have a lot of ideas to help you start thinking about characters, plots, conflicts, motivations, and much, much more. I hope you will tune in every other Monday, beginning next week, and take a look at some new ways to jump start your writing, add depth to works in progress, or find some inspiration in the amazing world around you.

I hope you will find this a safe place to learn and to share your ideas, thoughts, and books that you love. The more you comment, the more we can all learn from each other!

Have a great week and I hope to hear from you on Monday!

Happy writing!

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Under Construction

Hello!  Thank you so much for visiting my website.  I am in the process of creating my pages and filling them with lots of ideas that will hopefully make the fascinating world of words a bigger part your life.  Please stay tuned for what’s to come and thank you for your patience!

Posted in September/October | 4 Comments